No Individual or Group can be Sure about Entry to Paradise

Remember that entry to Paradise will not be groupwise. وَلَقَدْ جِئْتُمُونَا فُرَادَى (6.94) The decision on Paradise will be given individually, and not groupwise. The Quran doesn’t say anywhere that Paradise will be granted groupwise. This is a wrong concept. It makes people content and believe that they will surely enter Paradise.

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Muslims have developed a wrong concept. They believe that entry to Paradise is groupwise. Muslims as a group will enter Paradise, while others groups will not. Remember that entry to Paradise will not be groupwise. وَلَقَدْ جِئْتُمُونَا فُرَادَى (6.94) The decision on Paradise will be given individually, and not groupwise. The Quran doesn’t say anywhere that Paradise will be granted groupwise. This is a wrong concept. It makes people content and believe that they will surely enter Paradise. Once a Muslim came to meet me. I knew he didn’t offer prayers. He said that he was grateful that God had given him birth in a Muslim household. He was certain to get Paradise. I asked him how he developed the concept of Paradise being certain for those who were born in a Muslim home. Muslims have formed these notions themselves, which is why they believe Paradise is surely theirs. No human being can be certain about Paradise. The decision about Paradise is in God's hands. The decision on entry to Paradise will not be given on the basis of group. Rather every person's decision will be given individually.

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